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Wing Sword Thunder, also called Yokujinraigekimaru (Japanese: 翼刃雷撃丸) in the anime and toyline, is a Rapid Fire-Type Blaster Core System B-Daman and the successor to Wing Sword. It, along with a Split Shot, could only be obtained from Limited Fire Spirits Collection 2 which was released on June 24th, 2005 in Japan for 945円.

It appears in the anime and manga series, Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits! owned by Terry McScotty.

☀(Note: The statistics of this B-Daman are based on the game Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits! GBA game)

These are my new wings that are called Wing Sword Thunder!

Terry McScotty, introducing Wing Sword Thunder to Haja.

Skeleton and Armor[]

Wing Sword Thunder has a bright yellow skeleton, along with light gray arms and feet.

NOTE: All pieces of Wing Sword Thunder's Armor are essentially recolors in a black, red, and gold color scheme. For details on the Armor in the original colors, see Wing Sword.

Delta Roller Core[]

The Delta Roller Core is a synthesis of the Roller and Delta Cores, featuring a set of three rollers in a Delta formation, similar to the Bearing Core, albeit with a plastic roller instead of the NSK ball bearing. Due to this, it is slightly less powerful, however it has better Rapid-fire.


Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits! (anime)[]



